Accounting Services Sofia Prices
Accounting services Sofia prices are based on a number of parameters such as the legal form of the company, its field of activity, the number of employees and if the company is VAT registered, participation in foreign trade transactions both within the EU and abroad, presence of a warehouse, the number of cash registers etc. Moreover, it depends on whether the company is a private limited liability company or a public limited liability company, as well as if it has a single or multiple sites.
The GS Accounting team prepares individual offers for every client in accordance with their needs and volume of work. Fill in the form and get your personalised offer for accounting services in Bulgaria.
Our team of experienced financial professionals is based in the heart of Sofia and has years of local experience. We provide a comprehensive range of accounting and payroll services for both large and small and medium-sized businesses. All our work complies with the international standards (IFRS) and is fully compliant with Bulgarian accounting regulations, enabling your business to face any audit with confidence.
Our specialists will take care of all the tasks related to your accounting in Bulgaria, from a detailed analysis of your financial situation to the preparation of reports and documents in accordance with the statutory requirements. This includes accounting for the profit and loss of your company, as well as preparing and submission of tax compliance reports.Счетоводни услуги цени софия